Tag - Sun

Perihelion, Aphelion and the Solstices

Perihelion, Aphelion and the Solstices

Earth moves closest to the sun on January 4, 2017 at around 9:17 am EST. This event is called the Earth’s Perihelion. Meanwhile, the December Solstice took place on December 21 at at 3:44 AM EST. At the Perihelion in January the Earth is 91 million miles from the sun, in contrast it is 94...

Why Are There Seven Days in a Week?

Why Are There Seven Days in a Week?

Did you ever wonder why we have seven days in a week? As it turns out the seven day week is based on the moon and not the sun. There are 29 days to the moons cycle which breaks down into 4 seven day periods with 1 day of what is called a New Moon (also called the Dark Moon) and is not...