Everything Else

Reviews and Opinions about Everything

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

The original Secret Life of Walter Mitty was a short story written by James Thurber 1939. The story is about a vague and mild-mannered man who drives into Waterbury, Connecticut, with his wife for their regular weekly shopping and his wife's visit to the beauty parlor.

Oracle of Argos | Horoscope July 8 – 15, 2018

Oracle of Argos | Horoscope July 8 – 15, 2018

Today, July 8th 2018, the Oracle of Argos will deliver 12 readings, one for each house in the Zodiac, written in poetic dactylic hexameters. Well maybe not so poetic and definitely not in dactylic hexameters. Without further adieu, let’s begin.

Climate Change! It's Here & There's No Denying It.

Climate Change! It’s Here & There’s No Denying It.

In the last 650,000 years there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat, with the end of the last ice age about 7,000 years ago, beginning the modern climate era. Most of these previous climate changes are attributed to very small variations in Earth’s orbit that change the...

Oracle of Argos | Horoscope Oct 15 - 21, 2017

Oracle of Argos | Horoscope Oct 15 – 21, 2017

Today, Oct 15th 2017, the Oracle of Argos will deliver 12 readings, one for each house in the Zodiac, written in poetic dactylic hexameters.  Well maybe not so poetic and definitely not in dactylic hexameters.  Without further adieu, let's begin.

Secrets of the Kama Sutra – The Plow

Secrets of the Kama Sutra – The Plow

When there is not just a lightning between the partners, but a firing when they devour each other with eyes and cannot saturate by each other – this position will surely suit them! The woman lies on her back and opens her legs to sides.

Monday Night Movie - Deep Water

Monday Night Movie – Deep Water

Deep Water is a riveting documentary about the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race. It is a true story of daring adventure with failure and triumph. In the summer of 1968 9 men sailed out on the first solo non-stop circumnavigation of the world. Six of the sailors dropped out of the race...

Monday Night Movie | The Croods

Monday Night Movie | The Croods

"The Croods" are an eccentric family of cavemen, who survive the harsh terrain by living according to a strict set of rules. But when their home is destroyed in the wake of an impending disaster known as "The End", they are forced to leave their home of shelter and security, and into the...

480 BCE the Battle of Salamis

480 BCE the Battle of Salamis

Themistocles lead the Greek fleet to victory against the Persian fleet of Xerxes I at the naval battle of Salamis in 480 BCE. Some historians believe that a Persian victory would have slowed the development of Ancient Greece, and by extension all western civilization, arguing that the...

Why do Women Talk so Much?

Why Do Women Talk so Much?

Is it a biological need to communicate the every feeling they have?  Why must they include every irrelevant piece of information in their stories?  Most women will tell you that men do not share their feelings and never talk about anything.

Burning Times, The Women's Holocaust

Burning Times, The Women’s Holocaust

5 December 1484 Pope Innocent VIII began the holocaust against women with his directive, Summis Desiderantes Affectibus, which recognized the existence of witches and gave full papal approval for the inquisition eam to move against witches and starting 300 years of extreme violence...

Perihelion, Aphelion and the Solstices

Perihelion, Aphelion and the Solstices

Earth moves closest to the sun on January 4, 2017 at around 9:17 am EST. This event is called the Earth’s Perihelion. Meanwhile, the December Solstice took place on December 21 at at 3:44 AM EST. At the Perihelion in January the Earth is 91 million miles from the sun, in contrast it is 94...

Shackle Slavery in America is Alive and Well

Shackle Slavery in America is Alive and Well

The Bureau of Prisons contracts its constitutional and moral responsibility to build, manage and maintain the American prison system out to modern day slave owners like the CoreCivic Corporation. This corporation trades its stock based on how many prisoners it has. So not only are they...

The Origins of Religion, Where Does That Crazy Shit Come From?

The Origins of Religion

Every myth, Egyptian, Greek, Roman or otherwise, that has ever been told or written, varies in its telling. The basic themes are repeated in many of our myths, but details and even story lines will differ considerably, from village to village and eon to eon.

Song of Ilium, a Story of War and Forbidden Love

Song of Ilium, a Story of War and Forbidden Love

The Iliad is sometimes referred to as the Song of Ilium. It's an ancient Greek epic poem in dactylic hexameter. The story is set during the Trojan War, a decade long war for the city of Troy or Ilium in ancient Greek. Lead by King Agamemnon, the coalition of Greek states laid siege of the...

Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

Les Misérables, translated from the French as The Miserable Ones, The Wretched, The Poor Ones, The Wretched Poor, or The Victims , is an 1862 French novel by author Victor Hugo and is widely considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century. It follows the lives and interactions...

The Rights of Women

The Rights of Women

In America it is often said “In Muslim countries, women are routinely abused by their husbands” however, more than a 250,000 American women reported that they had been raped or sexually assaulted to the police. American women suffer 4.8 million physical assaults and rapes annually in the...

Jupiter: God of the Sky

Jupiter: God of the Sky

In Roman mythology Jupiter was the God of the Sky, Thunder and Lightning, Law, Order and Justice. He was the central deity in the Archaic Triad, the pre-Christian Trinity if you will. The Archaic Triad was made up of 3 gods. Jupiter, the father, and his son Mars and Quirinus the god of...

The Rat Pack

The Rat Pack

We salute the Rat Pack, a group of actors and musicians originally centered on Humphrey Bogart. In the mid-1960s it was the name used by the press and the general public to refer to a later group of entertainers after Bogart’s death. They called themselves several different names and...